How To: Cut a Pineapple

I heart pineapple. I’ve always thought that I’ve had a slight allergy to it (though not officially diagnosed) because it always makes my mouth feel weird but I eat it anyway.  Pineapples remind me of warm weather, tropical drinks and just an all around good time. On my New Year’s resolution list, there is a task to learn how to correctly cut a pineapple, which I now believe to be a very important task to know how to do. Sure you can buy canned pineapples already cut (why?) or fresh ones that are prepared for you but that takes all the fun out of it, don’t you think? I’m not sure why I’ve never attempted to cut my own fresh pineapple…I guess it seemed a bit daunting and I was afraid to try. But now that I’ve tried my hand at it, I can definitely see myself just picking up a pineapple and chopping it up on my own.

This particular pineapple that I bought was just so ridiculously good. It was sweet, fragrant and I had so many chunks that I used them for cocktails and a dessert…plus enjoyed some for myself. Despite my self-diagnosed allergy, I enjoyed munching on freshly cut pineapples and I’m so happy I finally tried to do it myself.

Now it’s your turn!

Step 1: Remove the top, fun part of the pineapple.

Step 2: Remove the bottom of the pineapple.  This will create a flat surface, which allows you to stand the pineapple up without it falling over.

Step 3: Carefully cut off the pineapple skin. Be careful not to cut off too much of the actual pineapple.

Step 4: If necessary…you’ll need to remove the pineapple ‘eyes’. Those little brown, hole things…you don’t want those. I used a vegetable peeler to easily remove them. If you’re a master with the knife, you might be able to skip this step.

Step 5: Slice and dice. Slice your beautiful fruit and cut it into chunks and enjoy!

It’s a like a bowl of sunshine.


One thought on “How To: Cut a Pineapple

  1. Pingback: Pineapple Cayenne Wedges | Eat.Drink.Frolic.

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