The Weekend

I read an article this weekend on the subject post wedding depression. To sum it up, it talked about how much time the bride and groom spends from the engagement to planning a wedding then after it’s all done there’s nothing to do. No more meetings with vendors and venues, no more RSVP cards coming in the mail…that’s just it. That emptiness can lead to depression apparently. Depression is a serious subject, no doubt, but I don’t know who these couples are that are seriously depressed from not planning a wedding anymore. I’ll admit, yes, there was a bit of: oh. What do we do now? Is there anything else I can plan? Then you snap out of it and realize you made it to the wedding day without killing each other or friends and family who refused to RSVP (don’t get me started) and you go about your day. Depressed is the last word I would use to describe how John and I felt after it was over. We were just both super-excited to not have to write anymore checks.

I say all of this to say: our wedding was one of the best days of our lives but we’re definitely far from depressed due to the end of the wedding planning process. Sounds like the couples in the article need new friends to keep them busy.

Anyway, this was a good weekend. I made some progress in our apartment in getting it somewhat organized. We’ve been married for 2 weeks now and we’re still trying to catch up, clean and organize gifts. If there’s anything we’ve realized is that we’re tremendously blessed from the support and gifts we received…not depressed. The organization process is going to be a long road though. Sheesh.

I can tell I’m back to my ‘normal self’ because I baked on Saturday! That definitely felt good. John and I had a little brunch on Sunday and I’m surprised and quite impressed at the Bloody Mary he made while we were at brunch. The apartment is slowly coming together so I decided to reward the progress with some fresh flowers. Fresh flowers always make everything better, don’t you think?

Happy Monday!


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